Friday, May 23, 2008

RIP Carrie

I went for a walk yesterday during my lunch and just as I was entering Golden Gate Park I saw a huge "RIP CARRIE" note spray painted on the sidewalk. This is new. My first thought was Carrie was the woman I heard screaming a month back and didnt call the police right away. But Ashley was just there for Bay to Breakers and says it wasnt there last Sunday so I guess I'm off the hook. It was really creepy though and I was tempted to leave a note asking who Carrie was. I thought they could even call my 800 # annonymously to give me the scoop but realized that I'd probably just get a bunch of prank phone calls and that wouldn't solve anything.

I, for the first time since moving here, was prepared and had pepper spray in my jacket pocket just in case. I'd run my hand over the outside of the pocket every few minutes to make sure it was still in there. Needless to say I didnt need it and I'm still here today. RIP Carrie.


jen said...

this event has had such an effect on you!! and i'm totally proud of you being the strong, independent women that you are and carring pepper spray - even when i've been a bit fearful for my life i've never even considered carring that. maybe i should. i thought this was going to be something about S & the C - i was mistkaen.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am still flabbergasted (is that how that word is spelled?) that WE heard that gunfire at the pizza place! that could have been us. i'm glad your moving back to the safe and sound city of Torrance!