Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weekend Perk-Up

So I was very not myself this weekend, but in a good way. Typically I can be found sleeping in til 11, lazing around watching shows all day (and well into the night), but not this weekend.

I had a 10:15 hair 'do appt so I actually manned up and went to the 8:30 AM WW meeting. Down 0.2! Hah! I was very happy seeing as I'd planned on a big fat gain. I had time to kill so I went to Sam's (only to ditch my cart halfway through when I realized it really was just like Costco and why pay the $35 membership fee when I can just tag-along with a friend to Costco??). Sorry Sam's employee that had to put away my mess. I was just too far in to turn back and restock my items with that shotty (shoddy?) cart wheel and all...

Then I was off to the salon...yadda yadda yadda...went to bed at a decent hour and was up at 8:30 the next morn. WHAAAT? Got up, got my laundry did, dusted, did dishes...I was unrecognizable. Went for an hour long walk with Denise along the Redondo strand and then did more housework off & on throughout the day to prepare for John Cody's visit this Wednesday.

I don't know who this girl is, but I hope she stays!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


So after watching The Big Chill last night, I'm gathering that times were different back in 1983.

If you haven't seen it - 8 or so college friends are reunited for a weekend following a suicide of one of their friends. They're all staying at the house of Sarah (Glenn Close) & Harold (Kevin Kline).

The one thing that stood out was Meg (Mary Kay Place) telling Sarah (Glenn Close) that she's been dating for 20 years & hears her biological clock ticking and decides that she'll convince one of the guys to be her baby daddy. The first two say no (sad for Meg) and the one remaining single guy (Jeff Goldblum) is all about it, but Meg isn't having any part of it.

Feeling chummy and awstruck by Meg's tender nature, Sarah decides she wants her hubby & baby daddy to sleep with Meg to give her a baby. Ummm. Really?? And so it happens. And everyone is smiling and glowing afterwards. Seriously??

Wacky. Wacky. Wacky.

Friday, January 22, 2010

This Week In Review

Last Saturday Vic & I met up at WW and were VERY pleased with the meeting leader, Jocelyn. She was around our age and very honest & real just the way we like 'em to be. As close to Darlene as we're gonna get. I'd been away from WW for 4 weeks and I ended up being down 0.8 after the holidays...hah! What a relief. I was sure I'd gained at least a few pounds back.

We met up with Jessica & d at CJ's Pantry in Redondo after for some breakfast. Yuummm. I had the spinach, feta & bacon omelet with a huge pile of fresh fruit (amazing) and some not-so-good banana bread. All in all it was fantastic. We followed it up with a nice 45-minute walk along redondo pier and further on down the way. Great company, great day.

And then there's the rest of this week. Umm. Let's just say Sunday was a total mess so I'll just put it out there. There was some Steve's Burgers followed by some ice cream (and donuts).


I think I went over my daily points allowance every day this week, which is disappointing. I just couldn't find the motivation to stay on program. It always seems so easy, but then the night rolls around and I've had a long day at work and the last thing I want to do is cook a healthy meal and workout after so I just pick something up on the drive home and relax on my couch watching shows until it's bedtime. I'm paying the money every week, I'm spending money on healthy groceries - what is the deal??

I have no idea how tomorrows weigh in is going to go, but I'm focusing on the positive. If I'm up in weight I'll take responsibility for it - after all I shouldn't be surprised. And the fact is I'm going. I have a 10:15 hair 'do so I got Vic to agree to the earlier meeting at 8:30, which, if anyone knows me knows I'm NOT a morning person ESPECIALLY on weekends. Normally I'd have skipped this week, but I think Vic will give me the accountability I've been lacking these past several weeks.

Friday, January 8, 2010

(Not-So-Much) Progress Report

I haven't read a thing. I haven't turned off the tv once this week by 10 pm. I haven't made it back to the gym. I did, however, successfully use up all leftovers from this week without having to throw away spoiled has-beens. So I guess 1 outta 3 is something.

Another positive is I have been tracking again (hadn't signed onto my WW account in probably 2-3 weeks)! And I am going to try out Saturday am meetings & see how things go. A good friend of mine, Vic, is rejoining and I think that'll be a huge help!!! Safety (and good influence!) in good numbers :)

Also...Mary is looking into joining a gym and I feel I'm THIS CLOSE to convincing her to join 24 Hour so we can workout together. Woohoooo!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Obsessed Much?

Let's assume for a moment that I was very in love with Christmas. Like in a come-home-from-work & just-want-to-turn-on-my-Christmas-lights, turn-on-Time-Warners-Sounds-of-the-Seasons, light-Christmas-candles & twirl-around-my-living-room kind of way. Harmless enough, right?

Now let's suppose that I set out a Christmas doormat the day after Halloween and spent a couple hundy on decorations from then until Christmas. I literally became obsessed right down to spray snow on my mirrors and picture window.

Seriously I've never felt happier in my apartment. The thought of taking it all down and having a hole where santy boots & Christmas trees once sat for the next 10 months sounds bleak. So I'm asking you, my dearest readers, how long is it acceptable to leave said decor up? Please note that I have a quaint little 4-foot fake tree with painstakingly homemade decorations so technically you could reply ALL YEAR, ANNA! if you wanted to. Do you want to?


I've never been one for making new years resolutions, which is probably why I never get very far with sticking to my goals. I guess I've been afraid that if I set goals in writing I'll feel like a failure if I come back a year later to find that I haven't accomplished what I set out to.

Well, Skelly - it's time for a change! So I'll start with 3 simple goals:

1. stick to weight watchers - ride the ups & downs - just stick with it for once!
2. read more - stop with all the tv - at least 3 nights a week go to bed at 10 and read before falling asleep.
3. get organized - in terms of work out schedule (start by actually working out), kitchen (dare i say DISHES!) & groceries (stop buying things only to throw them out)!

There...sounds easy enough (famous last words?).

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So I must've been about 12 or 13 and I was at a friends house in her jacuzzi and her older sister, wearing a red & white checkered skirt, came out onto the patio and was talking about what to buy her then-boyfriend for his birthday. It had something to do with drums, but I can't remember much else.

The sister was going to school to become a dental hygenist and I remember her sharing the fact that you should, every so often, boil your toothbrush. It seemed logical, with all the germs and bacteria mutliplying over time.

Fourteen years have passed and I decided to try it. I got out a pot, filled it 3/4 full of water and dropped in the toothbrush. I covered the pot and did the dishes while I waited for it to boil. I must add I also decided to dig out my retainer that had fallen under the bed and boiled that in a separate covered pot. The retainer took twice as long to boil so I let the toothbrush have an extra long bath. The retainer looked perfectly clean and faired rather well in the scalding water. The toothbrush...not so much. The plastic surround the bristles bubbled up and melted as did parts of the handle.

Guess I could have 1. googled this to see if it's even a legit thing to do. 2. if yes, follow time instructions!

Whoopsies. Guess its a good thing I had an extra one handy.

A New Year

2010 is officially here.

I wouldn't recognize it as I've been glued to my couch since Wednesday with the weirdest flu ever. Started in the throat department, moved its way down to the stomach Saturday, and now its just hitting the nose. A bit congested, but bored out of my mind.

I know I must be getting old as it didn't bother me one bit to spend New Years Eve on my couch, alone in my apartment. Our family friends were in town for the weekend, but I decided it was best to stay away and not spread the flu love to others.

I'm finding myself falling off the weight watchers wagon and while the scale isn't showing it yet I know I need to get it back under control. It being my diet.

At any rate I just watched one of my favorite movies, Julie & Julia, tonight and I found a renewed love of cooking & blogging. So here I am googling recipes and reading blogs.

Hello again, friends. Sorry I abandoned you all those months.