Friday, January 22, 2010

This Week In Review

Last Saturday Vic & I met up at WW and were VERY pleased with the meeting leader, Jocelyn. She was around our age and very honest & real just the way we like 'em to be. As close to Darlene as we're gonna get. I'd been away from WW for 4 weeks and I ended up being down 0.8 after the holidays...hah! What a relief. I was sure I'd gained at least a few pounds back.

We met up with Jessica & d at CJ's Pantry in Redondo after for some breakfast. Yuummm. I had the spinach, feta & bacon omelet with a huge pile of fresh fruit (amazing) and some not-so-good banana bread. All in all it was fantastic. We followed it up with a nice 45-minute walk along redondo pier and further on down the way. Great company, great day.

And then there's the rest of this week. Umm. Let's just say Sunday was a total mess so I'll just put it out there. There was some Steve's Burgers followed by some ice cream (and donuts).


I think I went over my daily points allowance every day this week, which is disappointing. I just couldn't find the motivation to stay on program. It always seems so easy, but then the night rolls around and I've had a long day at work and the last thing I want to do is cook a healthy meal and workout after so I just pick something up on the drive home and relax on my couch watching shows until it's bedtime. I'm paying the money every week, I'm spending money on healthy groceries - what is the deal??

I have no idea how tomorrows weigh in is going to go, but I'm focusing on the positive. If I'm up in weight I'll take responsibility for it - after all I shouldn't be surprised. And the fact is I'm going. I have a 10:15 hair 'do so I got Vic to agree to the earlier meeting at 8:30, which, if anyone knows me knows I'm NOT a morning person ESPECIALLY on weekends. Normally I'd have skipped this week, but I think Vic will give me the accountability I've been lacking these past several weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you found Jocelyn. Keep me posted on the WW happs.