Monday, January 4, 2010


I've never been one for making new years resolutions, which is probably why I never get very far with sticking to my goals. I guess I've been afraid that if I set goals in writing I'll feel like a failure if I come back a year later to find that I haven't accomplished what I set out to.

Well, Skelly - it's time for a change! So I'll start with 3 simple goals:

1. stick to weight watchers - ride the ups & downs - just stick with it for once!
2. read more - stop with all the tv - at least 3 nights a week go to bed at 10 and read before falling asleep.
3. get organized - in terms of work out schedule (start by actually working out), kitchen (dare i say DISHES!) & groceries (stop buying things only to throw them out)!

There...sounds easy enough (famous last words?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have set these same "resolutions", and like you, have the fear that putting them in writing will only make me feel bad about them later. BUT knowing there are others with the same goals is an encouragement and now we can help keep each other accountable on these!