Sunday, January 3, 2010


So I must've been about 12 or 13 and I was at a friends house in her jacuzzi and her older sister, wearing a red & white checkered skirt, came out onto the patio and was talking about what to buy her then-boyfriend for his birthday. It had something to do with drums, but I can't remember much else.

The sister was going to school to become a dental hygenist and I remember her sharing the fact that you should, every so often, boil your toothbrush. It seemed logical, with all the germs and bacteria mutliplying over time.

Fourteen years have passed and I decided to try it. I got out a pot, filled it 3/4 full of water and dropped in the toothbrush. I covered the pot and did the dishes while I waited for it to boil. I must add I also decided to dig out my retainer that had fallen under the bed and boiled that in a separate covered pot. The retainer took twice as long to boil so I let the toothbrush have an extra long bath. The retainer looked perfectly clean and faired rather well in the scalding water. The toothbrush...not so much. The plastic surround the bristles bubbled up and melted as did parts of the handle.

Guess I could have 1. googled this to see if it's even a legit thing to do. 2. if yes, follow time instructions!

Whoopsies. Guess its a good thing I had an extra one handy.


Shelley said...

It's good to have you back! Happy New Year --- hope the flu is on it's way out!

Anonymous said... plastic & boiling water.....

Silly goose. :o)