Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So I've been wrapped up in this furniture buying frenzy since last Thursday. I practically went from having ONLY bedroom furniture to owning an entire apartment full - so much so that I'm imagining having company over only to allow them in one at a time because there won't be any room left for us to move around. And how many people can you have crawling over your couch at one time to get to the bathroom? I mean I need to set limits.

I have the furniture arrangement all mapped out in my head. I see it all fitting together nicely and while Carol & I took measurements last Sunday I didn't exactly feel up to doing the math while shopping at Living Spaces. After several hours on an empty stomach I started just picking things all willy nilly just to get it over with. So while most of the pieces are from one set...there are no guarantees that it will all fit into my apartment.

Walking room is overrated anyways. Are you with me?

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