Monday, May 18, 2009


So I like to think that in the time of crisis I know just what to do. Say, for example, a 5.0 earthquake hits in a nearby city. A sane person would know to crawl under a sturdy dining table & take cover. There's even something called a safety pocket - where you place your body firmly up against your bed or couch. If something like a wall chunk or furniture should tumble down - it will hit the highest part of the couch or bed, falling at a slant so as to leave you safely nuzzled in said safety pocket.

A not-so-sane person probably would, say, I don't know...dump their glass of water into their friends lap, start charging for the front door only to turn back to a screaming friend and stand with her under the door jam, the two of you now screaming. Your friend is now crying while your other friend is talking calmly, girdle around her ankles, trying to talk sense into both of you from the bathroom.

If you find yourself opting for option two - don't feel bad. We've all been there. Very recently in fact.

Oh and p.s. - apparently it's very bad to run outside (although it seems like the safest option away from all the furniture, breaking mirrors & falling objects) because windows blow out, not in and you know...there's that whole crumbling building thing. Who knew? Guess it pays to have a friend who doubles as an Earthquake Safety Expert!!


Amanda! said...

You "provode" mom and I with a good laugh!

Auntie C...check!
Now you know we read.

p.s. Remind me to give you that box of MACAROOOOOONS!

Anna said...

Much appreciated comment - now I know you read :)

p.s. today is a good day to wear *&(*&#$%(*& (stockings)!

Anonymous said...

I would like to know who was the screaming/crying friend!! Do tell!

PS - I too thought that outside would be the best place to be.