Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Movie Goer

Went to the movies last night and ended up seeing two for the price of one. To say it was accidental would be a lie - to say I'm super stealth...well...that'd be the truth. So I paid for Baby Mama and it was funny (although I feel like it was talked way up) and then I went to use the facilities and happened to stumble into Deception that had just started. I thought there were probably cameras that would catch me going from one room to the next and within minutes a theatre attendee would come in with a flashlight and ask to see my ticket. They never came.

My first time ever sneaking into a movie and I'm 25. What is my life coming to? Honestly though...I'm rather impressed with myself. So daring in my old age.

1 comment:

jen said...

i am VERY impressed. i've never had the balls to sneak into a movie!! so, is that a recomendation to see baby mama, or not so much?