Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cold Fingers

San Francisco really is as cold as they say. Aunt Marilyn wasn't lying when she told me several times how cold the nights get and she tends to always be warm-bodied. None of my wussy friends (Jen) would make it up here, I'm afraid. They'd constantly be wearing snow gear day in & day out. My fingers and toes bear the brunt of the frigid temps. And then my wallet come bill time because my roommate and I have the heater running 85% of the time. But I'm not complaining...this is actually one of the reasons why I love it up here. You see, I too am warm-bodied. And I too have a new fabulous collection of winter coats that I get to wear around town.

I am absolutely in love with my wednesday night class. Truly a god-send after last semester. It's the one where we put together the literary magazine. My calling. Seriously.

I've been enjoying David Sedaris' complete collection on cd. There is nothing better than David Sedaris unless it's him reading his stories to you. I know how odd I must look to other drivers when they look over and see me cocking my head back, in full laugh mode. They most likely lean forward to see who is in my passenger seat - who could be that funny? And then when they see no one seated beside me, they automatically presume that I'm one of those crazy folk hopped up on some LSD. I should put one of those magnets on my car or at least a hand written sign assuring them that I'm not crazy, I'm just in love with David Sedaris. The end.

1 comment:

jen said...

LSD or PCP? It is on the rise you know...People must think i'm crazy b/c i always have people on speaker phone and i hide the phone in my shirt on my shoulder... esp when i'm at the drive through (not that i posion myself w/ that junk that often) and i tell whomever (you) is on the phone to hold - and the mcdonald's guy thinks i'm talking to him.... it becomes a bit of a mess! Maybe I should get a bumper sticker that reads "I'm not Schizo - You Are On Speaker Phone."