Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sweets For My Sweet

So I just gone done making chocolate covered gummy bears. And oh my goodness do they look good. I want to roll around in them. I even used Hershey's fave :) Okay so I know that you're thinking that I'm supposed to be on this diet blah blah blah. And I have to say to that that I've lost 3 lbs in 6 days AND it's Valentines Day AND Kelly is flying up for the weekend and they're going to be our movie treat. So there. Enough justifying.

A list of upcoming events/tour dates for your viewing pleasure:

2/14-2/17: Kelly is in town
3/7-3/9: Napa Wine Tour with d, John B & friends
3/21-3/23: Vegas!!!

and the biggie:
My next scheduled trip home to LA: 4/17-4/21**

Jen and I are turning 25!!! Exactly a week apart. I'll be home the weekend in between and we're going to plan a doozy for Saturday April 19th so keep your calendars clear!!

1 comment:

jen said...

your calender of events looks so fun!!! mine includes: work, work, school, then work night shift... but i am SOOO excited to have you home and for our birthdays!!! woo-hoo!! 25 and nothing to show for it :)