Sunday, January 27, 2008


I can finally relax and not worry about living this back & forth in between unsettled life. Finally I unpacked all six of my suitcases and bags and got organized. My floors have never been so clean - they got swept, vacuumed and even swiffered. I also dusted (not with pledge Jen) off every surface in the bedroom and tried my darndest to make more use of the spaces. I'm feeling very content in my clean & very large room.

The only thing I put off till the end (I hope!) has been fixed. I can't figure out how to set up a line for my phone & a second for my fax. Seriously. It's been going on for months and I finally set some time aside to get it to work properly so I dont have to keep pluggiing & unplugging my phone during work. VERY annoying for all parites. That and work's been paying for the second line for a few months now...

Classes start up again tomorrow. Boo. At least I'm down to only two days a week, two classes, one class each night. Seems doable.

With no scheduled trips to LA I might actually be here for a few weeks now. As much as I'm going to miss everyone there, it's no fun to live out of your suitcase for 6 straight weeks. I'm craving some routine normalcy.

1 comment:

jen said...

i am very sad that you don't have any scheduled trips to la... but that just means that i have to schedule a trip to see you. i can totally understand that living here and living there and having that compeltely unsettled feeling. hopefully we can get everything together one of these days!!