Thursday, November 6, 2008

Don't Know What You've Got Till It's Gone

Sings the infamous Joni Mitchell. She probably wasn't singing about Pumpkin Curry and all of its bountiful glory, but I digress...

I was introduced to the wonder that is pumpkin curry while living in SF. I was hooked with the first bite. I've always proclaimed my hatred for curry and it's smell, but this is different, I assure you. It's sweet and intoxicating and now it is no more.


How was I to know that this isn't a common dish at Thai Restaurants? That Sri Thai on Lincoln Ave was unique? I called about seven places last night and every time I got the same response. First a hushed laugh, followed by an "Excuse me?" Followed by "Did you say pump-kin curry?" Yes. "No we don't have that here." Click.


I had to settle for Carls Jr. and let me tell you - Carls is NO substitute for pumpkin curry. Waaaaaaaaah.

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