Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Trainer

So during last nights training sesh I learned some pretty valuable information about my trainer. I was telling him about Vegas and mentioned we'd seen Thunder and he paused for a second and then said that he used to be a stripper. He never worked at a club - just did private parties on the weekend. He was 18-20 so it was a few years back...Oh my. I, of course, had to ask tons of questions since I've never met a stripper - especially a male stripper!! It was so very entertaining.

And then the night was ruined when he had to take my body fat percentage, measurements & weight...never fun ESPECIALLY with a guy.

We got to talking and never got to training...so I got the session for free. Woohoo! I could get used to this :)


jen said...

i have never met a stripper either!! that is super exciting!! im glad you really took my advice to talk to the trainer about your soreness so he could help think of ways to correct that - you really took it to heart, literally. :)

Anonymous said...

perhaps he can train you in the fantastic art of stripping! yipee!