Friday, March 13, 2009


Because I know my readers follow in my every move, I kinda sorta forgot to tell you...I've deleted my account. Don't get me wrong, I'm secretly still obsessed with the whole concept, but I had dinner with Michelle & Mateo Monday night and he instilled a great deal o' fear into me. I'll admit I was pretty cavalier about handing over my logins, which was stupid. I was just blinded by the "secure" website thing. Mateo works in networking and has all kinds of certification & a bachelors in the stuff so I'm just going to take his word on it. He said he would only feel safe if he installed the software onto his computer. I've also updated all of my login passwords...reader beware.



Amanda! said...

Glad to hear! :) I think the only financial advice you need is to stay away from Sashi!

Anonymous said...

Awww...Mateo will be pleased as punch that you took his advice! Did you check out Quicken??