Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Final Sesh

So last night was my final night with Thor (a nickname I've lovingly applied to my beast trainer). And I must admit - I ended up warming to her in the end. Well, either that or I was so scared I just found myself laughing at everything, assuming she was just joking when telling passers by to "F off" and referring to all males as "a-holes" (I'm sensoring here). I can't imagine a world where we all act like that at work...can you?

Ironically (dare I call it irony and be incorrect only to be corrected...?) we spotted a GIGANTIC woman last night who was towering at 6'5 who passed us by and Thor says in her thick Romanian (yes, its been confirmed) accent, "You are taller than me...unacceptable." So I laugh on command and the giant mutters something, clearly upset by this. So the entire session Thor keeps asking where the freak went to and finally I said to her that I'm pretty sure "she" used to be a "he." It was as if she'd never heard of such a thing - she was stunned. I call this irony because when I first met Thor I thought she had too once been a man...

As for the aftermath of training...I let out a painful "uggg" and it feels like I'm walking around with 50 lb weights on each thigh and 10 pounders under my arse. It's pretty ugly. I don't plan on getting suckered into anymore sessions, but stay never know the persuasive ways of a Romanian giant.


Shelley said...

Haha! Hilarious! Thor sounds like a blast!

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! I wish I'd been there. She'd probably call me a freak midget or something!

jen said...

this is why i'm too afraid to use a trainer. i know i need to b/c i have no idea what i'm doing but i'm afraid they are going to bully me. which is exactly what it sounds like here!! kudos to you my friend