Friday, September 5, 2008

Blood Type

So I met with my trainer, Mirella, Tues night and she was the ONE trainer I feared. I'd seen her around before and she looks INTENSE. She's about 6'2 and all muscle - short cropped blonde hair with a very masculine edge to her.

So I was interviewed for several minutes as to why I was there, reasons I'd gained weight, but with every question she'd pose I was constantly fearful I was giving the wrong answers. When she asked me what proteins I ate, I listed chicken, beef, turkey and in her thick Russian accent she says "OK you not going to answer me that, we move on." Flustered, I started spewing off any protein I could think of...beans, roast beef, ham, corned beef...aghh! Scary right?

She's big into the Blood Type Diet and was 95% sure I was Type A so I just ran with it. This means I cant eat beef of any kind, yellow cheeses or whole wheat because they slow my body down. She also wants me off the birth control and to get my thyroid checked out. Mirella means business. I'm trying to consider her ideas because she is all lean muscle and knows her stuff. After sharing that I'd just rejoined WW (kind of a lie as I havent yet...), she responds with, "Weight Watchers doesnt know shit." Clearly she has a beef with their program...

Why does every training session have to be so dramatic?!


jen said...

it kinda sucks b/c they also all think their way is right, and they all conflict. hopefully marella will come through for you. can't wait to hit up rocky cola after your training session tonight :)

Shelley said...

Haha! This is a hilarious tale and so well told!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This sounds insane! I have never heard of the blood type diet! Can't wait to hear more!

Shelley said...

I would like to request more stories about the Russian beast, please.