Monday, December 3, 2007

It's Already December

My dad called me today just to let me know that they'd bought a Christmas tree. On Thanksgiving he & I walked to the grocery store to buy some last minute items for my cheesecake and I was asking when he thought they'd get one. I thought it was sweet that he remembered that and thought to call me today.

I haven't decorated the tree in years, but when we were growing up us three girls would rummage through the boxes of ornaments and help Mom hang them. I would give anything to be there with her Wednesday as she'll have to decorate the tree by herself (and Bella will probably be under her feet the entire time).

After reading more of Alese's blog (I mentioned this site in my last post), I felt this overwhelming need to be with my family. Or at least let them know that I'm thinking of them.

1 comment:

jen said...

I know what you mean....I can not wait until you get here... and my family gets here... then my life will really be back to where it should be... filled with everyone I love :)