Monday, October 20, 2008

Something Much Larger Than I

I don't know enough about the economic crisis that's happening right now to really get into depth, but it's very strange to feel like the depression of the 1920's is happening all over again. Banks are going bankrupt, large chains like Mervyns & Linens N Things are going out of business & I even saw a House Forclosure Auction advertised on tv. I've never been alive for something like this and it's scary not knowing what's ahead or how much it will affect me on a personal level (which sounds more selfish than I mean for it to...). I want to just hide under a big fluffy pillow...wake me when it's over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo with you on this! I'm freaking out...esp. with a baby on the way! We are trying to save every penny we can! Ahhh!