Monday, November 3, 2008

The Hunt For The Ideal Black Purse

It's been tricky, folks. I'm not one who is typically drawn to black. And so when it comes to finding a black purse it's nearly impossible. Most of them I see are too dull or way too shiny, almost plastic-ky. I found one I adored in this little boutique on Haight St while living in SF. When I took it home and loaded her up there was this overwhelming fish smell. I was paranoid every time I used it, not wanting passers by to think it was me & not the bag. It went away eventually and was told by many it was the smell of fake leather.


It wasn't a happy union - the bag was very difficult to get stuff out of and I was constantly feeling like I lost stuff when really it was just "lost" in the deep dark pits of the fish purse. She eventually pooped out on me and a huge wire rod poked through the "leather" and snagged many a blouse of mine.


Alas, after many months of searching I found one that struck my fancy. I hope she's better to me than the last...


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