Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Writer's Strike

Until now (about five minutes ago, in fact) the writer's strike hasnt' personally affected me. That was until I got compeltely caught up on Season 4 of The Office (thanks to and David S for leading me there). And now I feel helpless and distraught. I haven't been addicted to a show like this in a long time. I had no idea what I was missing out on. And I'm completly in love with John Krasinski and I want to be Pam. There. I said it.

The upside to spending $245 on groceries is that you feel too guilty to go off plan because you spent so much money. Maybe that was ediets' plan all along. Kudos - a genius idea.

1 comment:

jen said...

i LOVE the new blog format... and the quote. I love, love, love sylvia plath. that is a play on one of her most famous works (and one of my personal favorites).... i have to get involved in the office b/c you love it - and everyone who watches loves it.